Article Dans Une Revue Journal of the American College of Cardiology Année : 2016

Genetic and Pharmacological Inhibition of TREM-1 Limits the Development of Experimental Atherosclerosis


BACKGROUND Innate immune responses activated through myeloid cells contribute to the initiation, progression, and complications of atherosclerosis in experimental models. However, the critical upstream pathways that link innate immune activation to foam cell formation are still poorly identified. OBJECTIVES This study sought to investigate the hypothesis that activation of the triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells (TREM-1) plays a determinant role in macrophage atherogenic responses. METHODS After genetically invalidating Trem-1 in chimeric Ldlr À/À Trem-1 À/À mice and double knockout ApoE À/À Trem-1 À/À mice, we pharmacologically inhibited Trem-1 using LR12 peptide. RESULTS Ldlr À/À mice reconstituted with bone marrow deficient for Trem-1 (Trem-1 À/À) showed a strong reduction of atherosclerotic plaque size in both the aortic sinus and the thoracoabdominal aorta, and were less inflammatory compared to plaques of Trem-1 þ/þ chimeric mice. Genetic invalidation of Trem-1 led to alteration of monocyte recruitment into atherosclerotic lesions and inhibited toll-like receptor 4 (TLR 4)-initiated proinflammatory macrophage responses. We identified a critical role for Trem-1 in the upregulation of cluster of differentiation 36 (CD36), thereby promoting the formation of inflammatory foam cells. Genetic invalidation of Trem-1 in ApoE À/À /Trem-1 À/À mice or pharmacological blockade of Trem-1 in ApoE À/À mice using LR-12 peptide also significantly reduced the development of atherosclerosis throughout the vascular tree, and lessened plaque inflammation. TREM-1 was expressed in human atherosclerotic lesions, mainly in lipid-rich areas with significantly higher levels of expression in atheromatous than in fibrous plaques. CONCLUSIONS We identified TREM-1 as a major upstream proatherogenic receptor. We propose that TREM-1 activation orchestrates monocyte/macrophage proinflammatory responses and foam cell formation through coordinated and combined activation of CD36 and TLR4. Blockade of TREM-1 signaling may constitute an attractive novel and doublehit approach for the treatment of atherosclerosis.

Dates et versions

hal-04022898 , version 1 (06-06-2023)



Jeremie Joffre, Stephane Potteaux, Lynda Zeboudj, Xavier Loyer, Amir Boufenzer, et al.. Genetic and Pharmacological Inhibition of TREM-1 Limits the Development of Experimental Atherosclerosis. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2016, 68 (25), pp.2776-2793. ⟨10.1016/j.jacc.2016.10.015⟩. ⟨hal-04022898⟩
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