Article Dans Une Revue Journal of Molecular Liquids Année : 2023

A site-site interaction two-dimensional model with water like structural properties


A site-site interaction model is proposed for water in two-dimension, as an alternative to the traditional Mercedes-Benz model. In MB model, water molecules are modeled as 2-dimensional Lennard-Jones disks with three hydrogen bonding arms arranged symmetrically, resembling the Mercedes-Benz logo. The MB model qualitatively predicts both the anomalous properties of pure water and the anomalous solvation thermodynamics of non-polar molecules. One of the features of this earlier model was to have a pair correlation function with rst peak for the Lennard-Jones contact distinct of that corresponding to the hydrogen bonding, which is very dierent from real water which has a single rst peak, but a dual peak for the structure factor. The site-site model proposed here reproduces this typical feature of real water, both in real and reciprocal space. It also reproduces several of the known anomalies of real water, such as the density maximum. In addition, because of the screened Coulomb interaction between the sites, the new model appear to exhibit more homogeneity that the MB models and their variants, the latter which is highlighted by a k = 0 increase of their structure factors. The new model transfers the usual bond order paradigm into a charge order paradigm, enforcing atom-atom interactions over orientational interactions.
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hal-04197385 , version 1 (06-09-2023)



Tangi Baré, Maxime Besserve, Tomaz Urbic, Aurélien Perera. A site-site interaction two-dimensional model with water like structural properties. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2023, 386, pp.122475. ⟨10.1016/j.molliq.2023.122475⟩. ⟨hal-04197385⟩
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