Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2023

Meeting Times of Non-atomic Random Walks


In this paper, we revisit the problem of classical meeting times of random walks in graphs. In the process that two tokens (called agents) perform random walks on an undirected graph, the meeting times are defined as the expected times until they meet when the two agents are initially located at different vertices. A key feature of the problem is that, in each discrete time-clock (called round) of the process, the scheduler selects only one of the two agents, and the agent performs one move of the random walk. In the adversarial setting, the scheduler utilizes the strategy that intends to maximizing the expected time to meet. In the seminal papers for the random walks of two agents, the notion of atomicity is implicitly considered. That is, each move of agents should complete while the other agent waits. In this paper, we consider and formalize the meeting time of non-atomic random walks. In the non-atomic random walks, we assume that in each round, only one agent can move but the move does not necessarily complete in the next round. In other words, we assume that an agent can move at a round while the other agent is still moving on an edge. For the non-atomic random walks with the adversarial schedulers, we give a polynomial upper bound on the meeting times.

Dates et versions

hal-04232833 , version 1 (09-10-2023)



Ryota Eguchi, Fukuhito Ooshita, Michiko Inoue, Sébastien Tixeuil. Meeting Times of Non-atomic Random Walks. Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems, Oct 2023, Jersey City, NJ, United States. pp.297-311, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-44274-2_22⟩. ⟨hal-04232833⟩
45 Consultations
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