Article Dans Une Revue Journal of Applied Electrochemistry Année : 1996

Anodic dissolution of nickel in concentrated sulfuric acidic solutions


The anodic dissolution of nickel in concentrated sulfuric acidic solutions is characterized by two diffusion plateaux related to the active and transpassive regions. For the same speed of rotation of a rotating disc electrode, the two plateaux currents are almost identical. However, the less anodic one gives rise to a rough electrode surface while a polished surface is observed at the more anodic one. For nickel as-received, mass transport influences the current over the whole potential range. After heat treatment, only the current for the two plateaux were mass transport controlled. Electrochemical impedance diagrams show that the lowest frequency capacitive loop is influenced by mass transport. Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) impedance diagrams show two different regions. In the low frequency range, the results follow the theoretical curve corresponding to a uniformly accessible electrode with a very high Schmidt number around 107. At high frequency, the EHD impedance may correspond to an interface covered by a gel layer formed from the products of the anodic dissolution.



Dates et versions

hal-04414879 , version 1 (24-01-2024)



G. Cordeiro, Oscar R. Mattos, O.E. Barcia, Luc Beaunier, Claude Deslouis, et al.. Anodic dissolution of nickel in concentrated sulfuric acidic solutions. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 1996, 26 (11), pp.1083-1092. ⟨10.1007/BF00243732⟩. ⟨hal-04414879⟩
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