Article Dans Une Revue Journal of Materials Science Letters Année : 1988

Synthesis and EXAFS characterization of amorphous FePS3 thin films


The M" PS3 compounds (M = transition metal) form a series of semiconducting layered materials which have received considerable attention in the past 10 years [1]. Unusual properties have been evidenced, which arise from a duality of the MPS3 materials, which under certain circumstances behave as typical materials of solid-state chemistry while under other circumstances behave as co-ordination complexes [2]. In addition, interest in these materials is further increased by their ability to act as very efficient cathodic materials in rechargeable lithium barriers. Indeed, this family of compounds contains some of the best candidates for industrial development. We show in this letter that, although FePS3 is a ternary compound containing elements of different volatility, it can be evaporated and recondensed to give amorphous thin films with the same composition and same local structural arrangement as the parent crystalline materials



Dates et versions

hal-04617220 , version 1 (19-06-2024)



C. Glédel, J.P. Audière, R. Clément, Robert Cortès. Synthesis and EXAFS characterization of amorphous FePS3 thin films. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 1988, 7 (10), pp.1054-1055. ⟨10.1007/BF00720824⟩. ⟨hal-04617220⟩
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