Article Dans Une Revue Molecular Physics Année : 1984

On the thermodynamics of hard spheres near a soft repulsive wall. A variational approach


We extend the variational method based on the Gibbs-Bogolioubov inequality to the case of fluids against a wall. We investigate the influence of the softness of the wall on the free energy of the system. For small packing fraction we consider a density expansion. The variational results are compared with the exact ones which are given by a direct expansion of the free energy. A comparison between variational and perturbation methods has been done for small packing fraction and also for a case corresponding to the liquid state. The accuracy of the present extension of the variational method to a surface phenomena is found as good as in the bulk fluid. A very simple expression is given for the change on surface tension when we go from the perfect hard wall to soft repulsive wall.


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Dates et versions

hal-04665395 , version 1 (31-07-2024)



Jean-Pierre Badiali, M.-E. Boudh-Hir. On the thermodynamics of hard spheres near a soft repulsive wall. A variational approach. Molecular Physics, 1984, 51 (6), pp.1449-1457. ⟨10.1080/00268978400100951⟩. ⟨hal-04665395⟩
7 Consultations
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