Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2024

A Hierarchical Design Tool for SystemC AMS


The splitting into functionalities and interaction between analog and digital parts should be considered as early as possible in the design phase. We extended this methodology in former work, in order to take cyber-physical systems, based upon analog / digital hardware and software components, into account. The Models of Computation in these systems are not frequently tackled by many researchers due to their significant differences. However, as we show in this article, a SysML model can be directly used to generate a virtual prototype representing both the analog and mixed-signal parts of cyber-physical systems. For this, we rely on a hierarchical methodology, as certain analog components demand highly detailed designs. In this study, we introduce the capability to perform extensive semi-automatic design space exploration for these parts as well. A way to achieve this is to use parameters to automatically adapt the number of subsystems considered in the prototype.
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hal-04729003 , version 1 (09-10-2024)



Daniela Genius, Ludovic Apvrille. A Hierarchical Design Tool for SystemC AMS. MODELSWARD 2023 - 11th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering, Feb 2023, Lisbon, Portugal. pp.3-28, ⟨⟩. ⟨hal-04729003⟩
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