Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2013

Interest of old data for the determination of the heliocentric distance of Pluto


Pluto was discovered in 1930. It is also the multiple system which has been known for the longest time with the discovery of its first satellite Charon in 1978. Because of Pluto's distance to the Sun, the system still has not completed a revolution since its discovery, hence an uncertain heliocentric distance. The difference between the different ephemeris available far exceeds the uncertainty needed for the mission New Horizons, that is 1,000 km. A new astrometric reduction of old photographic plates may be an efficient way to constrain it.
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hal-00758145 , version 1 (14-05-2013)


  • HAL Id : hal-00758145 , version 1


Laurène Beauvalet. Interest of old data for the determination of the heliocentric distance of Pluto. International Workshop NAROO-GAIA "A new reduction of old observations in the Gaia era", Paris Observatory, Jun 2012, Paris, France. pp. 53-58. ⟨hal-00758145⟩
263 Consultations
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