Article Dans Une Revue PLoS ONE Année : 2014

Inflammation-Induced Acute Phase Response in Skeletal Muscle and Critical Illness Myopathy

Gillian Butler-Browne
Vincent Mouly


Objectives Systemic inflammation is a major risk factor for critical-illness myopathy (CIM) but its pathogenic role in muscle is uncertain. We observed that interleukin 6 (IL-6) and serum amyloid A1 (SAA1) expression was upregulated in muscle of critically ill patients. To test the relevance of these responses we assessed inflammation and acute-phase response at early and late time points in muscle of patients at risk for CIM. Design Prospective observational clinical study and prospective animal trial. Setting Two intensive care units (ICU) and research laboratory. Patients/Subjects 33 patients with Sequential Organ Failure Assessment scores ≥8 on 3 consecutive days within 5 days in ICU were investigated. A subgroup analysis of 12 patients with, and 18 patients without CIM (non-CIM) was performed. Two consecutive biopsies from vastus lateralis were obtained at median days 5 and 15, early and late time points. Controls were 5 healthy subjects undergoing elective orthopedic surgery. A septic mouse model and cultured myoblasts were used for mechanistic analyses. Measurements and Main Results Early SAA1 expression was significantly higher in skeletal muscle of CIM compared to non-CIM patients. Immunohistochemistry showed SAA1 accumulations in muscle of CIM patients at the early time point, which resolved later. SAA1 expression was induced by IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha in human and mouse myocytes in vitro. Inflammation-induced muscular SAA1 accumulation was reproduced in a sepsis mouse model. Conclusions Skeletal muscle contributes to general inflammation and acute-phase response in CIM patients. Muscular SAA1 could be important for CIM pathogenesis.
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hal-01365918 , version 1 (13-09-2016)




Claudia Langhans, Steffen Weber-Carstens, Franziska Schmidt, Jida Hamati, Melanie Kny, et al.. Inflammation-Induced Acute Phase Response in Skeletal Muscle and Critical Illness Myopathy. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9 (3), pp.e92048. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0092048⟩. ⟨hal-01365918⟩
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