Article Dans Une Revue Advances in Space Research Année : 2016

Estimating some parameters of the equatorial ionosphere electrodynamics from ionosonde data in West Africa


During the International Equatorial Electrojet Year (IEEY), an IPS-42 ionosonde located at Korhogo (9.33°N, 5.42°W, -1.88°dip-lat) and a meridian chain of 10 magnetic stations were setup in West Africa (5°West longitude). In this work, some characteristic parameters of the equatorial electrojet were estimated on the basis of the IPS-42 ionosonde data at Korhogo during the years 1993 and 1994. The study consisted of determining the zonal electric field through an estimate of the plasma vertical drift velocity. The daytime plasma vertical drift velocity was estimated from the time rates of change of the F-layer virtual height variations and a correction term that takes into account the ionization production and recombination effects. This method resulted in an improved vertical drift velocity, which was found to be comparable to the results of previous studies. The estimated vertical drift velocity was used in a semi-empirical approach which involved the IRI-2012 model for the Pedersen and Hall conductivities and the IGRF-10 model for the geomagnetic main field intensity. Thus the zonal and polarization electric fields on one hand, and the eastward Pedersen, Hall and the equatorial electrojet current densities on the other hand, were estimated. Furthermore the integrated peak current density at the EEJ center was estimated from ionosonde observations and compared with that inferred from magnetometer data. The integrated EEJ peak current densities obtained from both experiments were found to be in the same order and their seasonal variations exhibit the same trends as well.
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hal-01368412 , version 1 (19-09-2016)



F.O. Grodji, V. Doumbia, K. Boka, Christine Amory-Mazaudier, Y. Cohen, et al.. Estimating some parameters of the equatorial ionosphere electrodynamics from ionosonde data in West Africa. Advances in Space Research, 2016, ⟨10.1016/j.asr.2016.09.004⟩. ⟨hal-01368412⟩
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