Article Dans Une Revue Plants Année : 2022

More than What Meets the Eye: Differential Spatiotemporal Distribution of Cryptic Intertidal Bangiales


Morphologically similar but genetically distinct species have been termed cryptic and most have been assumed to be ecologically similar. However, if these species co-occur at a certain spatial scale, some niche differences at finer scales should be expected to allow for coexistence. Here, we demonstrate the existence of a disjointed distribution of cryptic bladed Bangiales along spatial (intertidal elevations) and temporal (seasons) environmental gradients. Bladed Bangiales were identified and quantified across four intertidal elevations and four seasons for one year, at five rocky intertidal sites (between 39° S and 43° S) in southern Chile. Species determination was based on partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 1 (COI) gene amplification. To assess species gross morphology, thallus shape, color, and maximum length and width were recorded. Hundreds of organisms were classified into nine Bangiales species belonging to three genera (i.e., Fuscifolium, Porphyra, and Pyropia), including five frequent (>97% of specimens) and four infrequent species. All species, except for Pyropia saldanhae, had been previously reported along the coasts of Chile. The thallus shape and color were very variable, and a large overlap of the maximum width and length supported the cryptic status of these species. Multivariate analyses showed that the main variable affecting species composition was intertidal elevation. Species such as Py. orbicularis were more abundant in low and mid intertidal zones, while others, such as Po. mumfordii and Po. sp. FIH, were principally observed in high and spray elevations. Despite all numerically dominant species being present all year long, a slight effect of seasonal variation on species composition was also detected. These results strongly support the existence of spatial niche partitioning in cryptic Bangiales along the Chilean rocky intertidal zone.
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hal-03616557 , version 1 (22-03-2022)



Fernanda Cid Alda, Nelson Valdivia, Marie-Laure Guillemin. More than What Meets the Eye: Differential Spatiotemporal Distribution of Cryptic Intertidal Bangiales. Plants, 2022, 11 (5), pp.605. ⟨10.3390/plants11050605⟩. ⟨hal-03616557⟩
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