Rapport Année : 2025

NEMO version 5 computing performance (CPU)


We take benefit of an important milestone in NEMO development (the version 5 release) to update our model performance measurements on two of our current CPU based supercomputers. With BENCH testing configurations and internal timing tools, we verify the highly positive trend of recent developments. In particular, the tiling instrumentation confirms its capacity to speed up computations at memory bound pace of the model (large MPI subdomains). Even if we cannot find any evidence that OpenMP parallelisation of the tiling loop would have a favourable effect on future similar platform, we strongly advocate for the maintenance as is of the tiling instrumentation
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hal-04916970 , version 1 (28-01-2025)


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  • HAL Id : hal-04916970 , version 1


Éric Maisonnave. NEMO version 5 computing performance (CPU). Sorbonne Université; CNRS. 2025. ⟨hal-04916970⟩
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