Article Dans Une Revue Asymptotic Analysis Année : 2023

Understanding Fractality: A Polyhedral Approach to the Koch Curve and its Complex Dimensions


We extend our results about the Weierstrass Curve to the Koch Curve and provide exact expressions of the volume of polyhedral neighborhoods for the sequence of prefractal graphs which converge to the Koch Curve. We also introduce the associated local and global polyhedral fractal zeta functions. The actual poles of the global polyhedral fractal zeta function, which are all simple, yield the set of exact Complex Dimensions of the Koch Curve, a result which had never been obtained before.
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Dates et versions

hal-04348346 , version 1 (16-12-2023)
hal-04348346 , version 2 (28-06-2024)
hal-04348346 , version 3 (29-07-2024)


  • HAL Id : hal-04348346 , version 3


Claire David, Michel L Lapidus. Understanding Fractality: A Polyhedral Approach to the Koch Curve and its Complex Dimensions. Asymptotic Analysis, In press. ⟨hal-04348346v3⟩
142 Consultations
128 Téléchargements

